четверг, 16 января 2020 г.


The first parameter TArgument is an array of filenames to be processed. Sign up using Facebook. I may in future do an article on that subject, but this article focuses purely on the generic aspect. In my opinion, the benefits provided by using Generics greatly outweigh those of being designer compatible. Improving the question-asking experience. How do we handle problem users? In the above code, we have also been adding the file data to DoWorkEventArgs. progresschangedeventargs userstate

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Active 1 year, 10 months ago. Email Required, but never shown. On each iteration of the array, the worker reports progress.

[Solved] BackgroundWorker ProgressChanged dOperationException - CodeProject

Result as Worker; if w! The first parameter TArgument is an array of filenames to be processed. There are 50 files, so I increment the progress by 2 each time so it's at when finished. If you find any bugs or gremlins, then please let me know in the forum below.

Peter Duniho 52k 4 4 gold badges 56 56 silver badges 92 92 bronze badges. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: In the DoWork event handler, it iterates over this array.

By creating a generic class, you can create a collection progreeschangedeventargs is type-safe at compile-time. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. This article and the accompanying class library is the result. All the same properties, methods, and events are there, and no extra ones. Progresschangedeventzrgs have included a 50ms delay so we progresschangedeventaegs see the worker working! Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

Notice, we also check for CancellationPending.

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Genericso hopefully, it won't conflict with any namespace Microsoft may decide to use in future, If you don't like it here, feel free to change it! With the framework's background worker, there are three places where data gets exposed to the outside world. Result as Philip suggestsor, if possible, have my worker derive from BackgroundWorker then I can add as much extra state as I want, and get the whole worker as the sender argument to the events raised by BackgroundWorkerwhile still being able to use Result for its intended purpose.

All data in and out of it is passed as System. The third is a List of a simple class FileData that holds the filename and the timestamp of when it was processed. You can't as I explained earlier drop it into a designer, but instantiating the class and subscribing to the needed events in code is trivial.

With the BackgroundWorker component, this limitation still exists. SendOrPostCallback which takes an object as a parameter.

progresschangedeventargs userstate

I have used the System. Sign up using Email and Password. Sign up using Facebook. Whilst in the DoWork event handler, we need to be useerstate to report progress, so we need a suitable method to call, a new event argument class, and the event, of course.

I may in future do an article on that subject, but this article focuses purely on the generic aspect. When I call the Worker class the object instance does it's thing and then runs out of code the loop finishes. The second TProgress is the filename that is being processed when progress is reported. And your comment about always checking e. I didn't think of inheriting the background worker.

In my implementation, no exceptions should be thrown.

progresschangedeventargs userstate

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