воскресенье, 26 января 2020 г.


Modeled after the XTreeProGold versions, using a number of their major commands and hotkeys and a similar screen layout, while furthermore providing some distinctive different characteristics. Retrieved from " https: Whilst you are surely well aware of the virtues of XTreeGold, you know the disadvantages of it being a bit DOS program. Unfortunately the starting of the Shareware version can be very annoying, because it nags the user with a reminder screen after every logged files during drive reads! I lent mine to a "Friend" he moved out of state and so did my manual. XTree suffered a terminal decline after the widespread adoption of Microsoft Windows. xtgold dos

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Thus ZTreeWin brings the look and feel as well as the speed of use of the legendary XTree for DOS versions to modern 32bit operating systems, avoiding the DOS imposed limitations and, moreover, providing some cautious but utmost useful improvements. Classic Mac OS Finder. While the Macintosh System software already had competent file management, XTreeMac made it easier to move and copy files and added undeletion and enhanced file finding tools.

Component upgrade for Lantastic server bug encompassing 1. Fortunately, unlike the former, XFile is a mature and serious piece of software, well suitable for everyday use. Aside from this edited "version numbers" those files are prefectly identical with the XTreeGold 3. ZIP-support, improved formated text and graphic viewers, Partial release, Compare across volumes Moved all network-specific commands as sub-menus to a new, separate NetWare menu item.

Please also refer to the corresponding "Clones"-entry. Not enough, it's Free Software and Open Source since release 3.

Johnson was the originator of the visual directory tree stgold first used in an Epson backup product created by ESI. XTree is a file manager program originally designed for use under DOS. For example you can 'T'ag certain files, and then copy all of them with Ctrl-'C'opy. Update for XTW 1. Minor bug fixes and some corrected spelling errors.

xtgold dos

Also included an integrated, advanced text editor, capable of editing very large files up to approx. A fix for XTreeNet 2. See press announcement and read review.

xtgold dos

The keyboard interface and screen interaction feels almost as direct as its text-mode colleagues, and that's a big deal. Object-oriented, Windows-style GUI file manager for DOS character-mode, with hierarchical pull-down menus, dialog boxes, list boxes and a context-sensitive hypertext help system.

MS-DOS Shareware: Frostbyte: XTREE

Fast-find file search command; More substantial bug fixes. Once there there have been two screenshots at the address given at the left - but now the domain has vanished. Johnsonsolely running as XTree plug-in. This is an extensive and very powerful utility with a great number of additional features. Calypso runs stable, only seems to be a bit fuzzy in its reaction to keyboard inputs.

Supplied with XTreePro 1. Starts by default into the application menu! Also, refer to the corresponding "Clones"-entry.

Exactly the same screen, nearly all the same hotkeys and commands as XTreeGold plus some extra ones. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Cos to page: PowerDesk 4 is a multi-featured filemanager a.

XTree Fan Page / Download / Clones

Inthe XTree Company was sold to Central Point Software[11] which xtgolx in turn acquired by Symantec in[12] and in production of XTree products was halted. The XTree name was the concept of Johnson's wife, Arletta, who had xtyold the suggestion: Henkel wrote ZTreeWin to provide all the functionality we are so accustomed to, while avoiding all the DOS imposed limitations. An innovative new approach to a graphical tree display interface, while supplying all the well-known XTreeGold commands and keystrokes.

Can be considered for serious usage on a DOS, Win 3. Although the beta releases are yet in development stage, they already provide most XTree commands on single and multiple CTRL-keys files.

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