пятница, 31 января 2020 г.


Gina the yellow is the brains of the outfit. In eobiont was asked by the German Insurance Association GDV to develop an online platform and mascot to help small children stay safe in their daily lives. Other projects for this client Ampelini characters. In order for a website about child safety to captivate a young audience, the characters need to be relatable. Indeed "Ampel" means traffic light in German. Sections of this page. We somehow got our wires crossed. ampelinis

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eobiont - The creation of relatable, colorful characters to teach child safety.

We had already created a reduced mobile app version of the website, but together with our client, we decided it was time to create something specifically designed to take advantage of the new touch screen interface that kids love to use. We somehow got our wires crossed. Ampelini updated their cover photo. Grecco is green and represents everything that you should ampeinis do.

Big Safety, Small Screens

As children swipe through this world, they discover lots of quirky characters. Sections of this page. Indeed "Ampel" means traffic light in German.


Illustration by Philippe Petit-Roulet. Similar projects VR pay website. The app is available in both German and English. Rocco the red takes care of things that you should never do.


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An added ampslinis is that you can switch between German and English languages. Email or Phone Password Forgot account? Gina the yellow is the brains of the outfit. The children should help the characters along the way and learn with them how to safely navigate their world. Gina, Rocco and Grecco Ampelini are a team of circus acrobats, the flying Ampelinis, who now dedicate themselves to making the world safer, ampeelinis for kids.

In addition to winning a number of awards, it was recognized in Germany as the go-to place to teach small kids about safety until the introduction of amlelinis Ampelini app, which was also implemented by eobiont. In order for a website about child safety to captivate a young audience, the characters need to be relatable.

It was time for an "Ampelini Reloaded. I accept the privacy policy. Additionally, since the games and other products would be developed amppelinis years, we needed a style that could be replicated by many artists and be simple to animate.

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The app is free and free of charge. As you can see, they are green, yellow and red, just like a traffic light. Other projects for this client Ampelini characters. The Ampelini website quickly became beloved by kids and their parents. Big Safety, Small Screens Ampelini app.

They must be fresh, funny and, most importantly, have depth.


An additional new feature is the possibility to switch between the English and the German language version. Summary In eobiont was asked by the German Insurance Association GDV to develop an online platform and mascot to help small children stay safe in their daily lives. For all of those things that are not so simple as do or don't do, but rather require you to think and be aware, she is there to help out.

That means they make mistakes and must overcome obstacles, as opposed to talking down to the audience as an authority figure would.

Rather than one central figure, we developed a team of characters with a backstory. Your message has been sent. Rocco Ampelini is red and responsible for all the things that kids should never do. Additionally, there are other friends to round out the Ampelini world and give further dimension.

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